jumping castle
Whilst there are ongoing restrictions in place in relation to COVID-19 issued by NSW Government, Tuff Nutterz has the following COVID-19 specific requirements in relation to patrons visiting our events. Tuff Nutterz is taking a highly precautionary approach to manage the spread of COVID-19 in line with the latest National and Local health advice. All patrons must declare the following prior to coming onsite:
I have not travelled overseas within the last 14 days.
I am not showing any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 being fever (above 37.8 degrees Celsius), flu like symptoms, coughing, sore throat or headache.
I understand that if I have an elevated temperature (febrile) then I will not be permitted to remain on site.
I have not had close or casual* contact with a person who has been confirmed with COVID-19.
I am not awaiting results of a COVID-19 test.
I will follow Tuff Nutterz’s directions regarding hand hygiene while on site, including sanitizing my hands prior to commencing my visit.
I will notify Tuff Nutterz if any of the above change upon the day of visiting.
I will follow good hygiene practices while onsite as outlined below.
* Casual contact is having been face-to-face for less than 15 minutes, or in the same closed space for less than two hours, with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 when that person was infectious. Close contact is having been face-to-face for at least 15 minutes or been in the same closed space for at least two hours, with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 when that person was infectious.
Help us keep COVID-19 away
When visiting our site, please observe the following good hygiene practices to reduce the risk of infection with COVID-19:
Sanitise your hands when entering the site and at regular intervals.
Wash your hands regularly for 20 to 30 seconds. If soap and water is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser. Hand sanitiser does not replace washing your hands after using the bathroom.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue or cough into your elbow.
Dispose used tissues into a bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards.
Practice social distancing - Keep a distance of 1.5 metres between you and other people
Our Commitment to you…
We are a registered Covid-19 Safe Business and have developed a covid-19 safety plan. As part of this plan we have implemented the following measures to keep you safe:
We will provide a hand sanitiser at the front desk and entrance to inflatables. Please ensure you regularly sanitise your hands.
We will be carrying out a thorough clean of the inflatables twice a day and will be cleaning the high-touch areas of the inflatables during each session.
We will mark out spacing requirements at the ticket desk, entrance to inflatables and toilets. Please help us and adhere to the 1.5m physical distancing rule.